We have talked extensively about the benefits of LED lamps, and we always remain of the idea that the future lies precisely in changing your lighting. It is also true, however, that sometimes you just can't give up that vintage flavor that only incandescent lamps can give us.
Since 2018 , also in Italy, halogen lamps have been banned, with a law that has implemented a directive of the European Union, thanks to which it is not possible to place on the market new products of this kind and therefore the their creation. However, the sale of those units that are part of the stock of incandescent and halogen lamps produced years ago remains possible. Of course, with the passage of time the stocks will run out and therefore we will see an inexorable (and definitive) disappearance of halogen lamps, but at the moment it is still possible to choose to buy them.

At the moment, therefore, those who love to give a vintage touch to their lighting still have the opportunity to do so, before the definitive switch to LED. The possibilities are different: from incandescent solar bulbs with a timeless blue color , which completely imitate sunlight, to the classic and still sought-after bulbs with a silver dome , passing through incandescent globe lamps in the various versions, milky white or transparent.
These are all products that you can find on our online shop and in via Piave and these are items of which only a few pieces are available for each.