Home lighting, what you need to know

Illuminazione di casa, quello che c'è da sapere - Oniroview

When you go to live in a house you need to know that lighting is one of those aspects to take into consideration . An error can not only change the appearance of a room, but also the way we live and perceive it. For this reason, today, we at Oniroview, who know about lighting, have thought of giving you some suggestions that may be useful to you.

If the room is large and is one of those in which you spend the most time, with family or friends, rely on more light points. In fact, a single source of light may not evenly illuminate the environment, perhaps making darker corners than the others. The choice of including wall lamps, floor lamps or recessed lamps in the furnishing could be the solution you are looking for.

Do you know what the function of a dimmer is? It is an electronic power regulator also known as dimmer. This tool allows you to adjust the intensity of the light inside a room, which is absolutely useful for varying the light intensity according to the use made of a space. A living room that needs to be well lit during a meal can be kept in dim light while watching a movie. The dimmer becomes your ally. Today the most modern dimmers allow you to adjust the intensity of the light through your smartphone and the lamps are already born in the dimmable version .

It is true, a LED lamp costs more than an incandescent bulb, but its life is much longer and it will also make you have a nice saving on your bill. Happy you, but also the environment.

The room where you sleep does not have to be super-lit, it must be an environment dedicated to relaxation, but there are points that must certainly be better illuminated. For example, if you like to read in bed, it is essential to insert a light suitable for reading in the head of the bed and, another point to absolutely illuminate, is the inside of the wardrobe so as not to get lost between one garment and another.

The last piece of advice is perhaps the simplest, but we want to not miss it on this list. Always rely on a lighting professional, his intervention will be essential for the success of your project and will do everything to make your dreams of light come true.

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