HDMI Extender, how to carry the video signal "around" the house

Extender HDMI, come portare il segnale video "in giro" per la casa - Oniroview

If there are several devices in your home to connect to a source from which an HDMI signal passes, no problem, not even if there are significant distances between one device and another or if, for example, the screen is in a difficult position to access. reach with a cable.

If the quality of the signal is a good starting point, what must be considered immediately after is the distance that must be covered in order to get the signal to the destination equipment in the best way.

In this case,HDMI extenders come in handy, which allow you to cover up to 70 meters of distance between the signal source and the target device.

Obviously, there are different types of this type of product, depending on the result you want to achieve and the way your home is structured.

If the wireless HDMI extenders transmit a Full HD signal covering distances that do not go beyond 20 meters, for greater distances it is necessary to resort to wired technology that uses the Ethernet cable ; then there are the extenders that transmit a 4K signal through a cable and that can cover much longer distances and reach up to 70 meters of cable , furthermore if the cables are on optical fiber the distances can be much greater.

In this case, these are solutions suitable not only for homes where, for example, a television set in a different room must be reached from a decoder, but also in situations such as those concerning video surveillance, video conferences and teaching sessions in schools.

Another point to consider are the accessories, such as the remote control , which allows you to operate a remote control and which acts thanks to infrared.

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