The story of Chinese shadows, a centuries-old game that uses light

La storia delle ombre cinesi, un gioco antico secoli che sfrutta la luce

The story of Chinese shadows, a centuries-old game that uses light

From an early age we are amazed by those who, with nothing short of magical abilities, manage to bring incredible stories to life using their hands and a light, projecting Chinese shadows onto a white wall. And we thought we'd tell you the story of this art that lives only thanks to the play of light, the ones we like so much.

Chinese shadow puppets , as the name suggests, were born more than 2000 years ago in China or Indonesia (the true geographical origin is not known) and were a theatrical show that came to life on street carts that traveled across countries. The Chinese shadow theater entertained children and adults who, through a white screen, could admire a story told through shadows. The images appeared larger than they actually were, thanks to a powerful light source and the distance or otherwise of the artist from the screen.

At the time, shadows were projected in the theater with the help of wooden figures representing finely crafted marionettes, almost as if they were made of lace. The lighting was entrusted to candles and oil lamps: lights and actors were placed behind the projection surface so that the public could not directly see the acting.

This genre of theater arrived in Europe only in the 18th century and, especially in recent years, many things have changed thanks to modern technologies.

The electric current has favored the use of light bulbs , brighter than candles and oil lamps, which are able to project the scene larger and with greater intensity, as well as with a more stable light but, on the other hand, it has caused the loss of some of that magical atmosphere that characterized the game.

This beloved and appreciated art form can also be made at home , to keep children entertained. The ideal environment to stage this activity is a dark room, and all you will need is a bare wall and an adjustable table lamp. The light must be positioned precisely so as to perfectly illuminate the wall, at a distance of at least one meter. The hands, in turn, must be exactly in front of the light source, always one meter from the wall. The closer your hands are to the lamp, the larger the shadows created will be.

A fun game that can bring family or friends together perhaps on a different night out than usual or as entertainment for some children's birthday party.

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