Cable hiding shelves, essential for keeping a space full of devices in order

Mensole nascondi cavo, fondamentali per tenere in ordine uno spazio ricco di dispositivi

You are in front of the television in your living room, on the same floor there are decoders, a game console and some other accessories connected to your monitor. While you look carefully at what you have in front of you, you notice one thing: the jungle of cables that creates a very messy effect.

Yes, the eye wants its part, which is why there are environments where it is necessary to tidy up, but not only for an aesthetic question, also for a hygienic matter, because centimeters and centimeters of dust collect between the cables.

There are more or less easy and creative solutions that can be implemented, but among these, the simplest ones are those that the audiovisual market itself puts on the market. In fact, there are numerous proposals for shelves, or boxes, hiding cables that allow you to collect all the wires inside them, in an orderly manner, in such a way as to slide the cables neatly on the wall, without anything unsightly leaping to the eye.

The shelves, to be placed behind the televisions, allow you to collect everything on a single level and the channels allow you to run the cables on the wall, hiding the wires.

Often these are two-in-one solutions with adjustable height shelves, already equipped with a cable hiding bar. The supports, of different sizes, can be in different materials and colors (glass and aluminum together for example for the Alpha Elettronica supports for sale on our online shop), but for those who are practical with colors and brushes, chosen the model, you could colors exactly the same color as the wall.

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