There have already been rumors for some time and from next October 1st (now less than a week) the maxi sting on the electricity and gas bills could be operational, an operation with an annual weight of 1300 euros per family.
This is an operation that provides for increases of up to 40% and for which, in these hours, the government is trying to stem with a bill-cutting decree aimed precisely at calming the increases.

What are these increases due to?
Mainly from two factors, the first is the increase in the cost of the raw material, the second refers directly to global regulations aimed at protecting the climate and which provide for an increase in the costs of compensatory certificates for the emission of Co2.
Decree or not is a good time to figure out what to do to save as much as possible on your bill. In fact, it is no longer just a question of economic accounts, but also and above all of sustainability.
Here are the good rules to apply in our homes in order to weigh less and less on the electricity bill, but above all on the environment:
1) Always turn off the lights when you leave a room
2) Replace the high consumption lamps with the latest generation LEDs
3) Avoid that your appliances remain with the stand-by light on
4) Buy multi-socket power strips with on and off button, to deactivate and activate the devices only when necessary
5) It seems trivial but it is not: remember to unplug.
Those chargers you leave plugged into sockets continue to consume energy